Implementation aspects for CBO/S

Lorentz Center Workshop on Purpose-driven Particle Systems

Urbain Vaes

MATHERIALS team, Inria Paris & Cermics, École des Ponts

Discretization of CBO and CBS

In practice, one has to use a version of the methods that

  • is discrete in time,

  • uses a finite number of particles \(J\).

Continuous-time and \(J = \infty\) ✔️ ✔️
Continuous-time and finite \(J\) ✔️
Discrete-time and \(J = \infty\) ✔️
Discrete-time and finite \(J\) ✔️

Discretization of CBO

Consider the following version with element-wise noise: \[ \d \theta^{(j)}_t = - \Bigl(\theta^{(j)}_t- \mathcal M_{\beta}(\mu^J_t)\Bigr) \, \d t + \sqrt{2}\sigma \Bigl(\theta^{(j)}_t - \mathcal M_{\beta}(\mu^J_t)\Bigr) \odot \d W^{(j)}_t, \qquad j=1, \dots,J \] where \(\mathcal M_{\beta}(\mu^J_t)\) is given by \[ \mathcal M_{\beta}(\mu^J_t) = \frac {\int \theta \e^{-\beta f(\theta)} \mu^J_t(\d \theta)} {\int \e^{-\beta f(\theta)} \mu^J_t(\d \theta)}, \qquad \mu^J_t = \frac{1}{J} \sum_{j=1}^{J} \delta_{\theta^{(j)}_t}. \]

Two parameters:

  • \(\beta\) is the “inverse temperature” in the reweighting.

  • \(\sigma\) is the diffusion coefficient, related to exploration;

  • The drift parameter is not required (time rescaling).

Reminder: advantage of element-wise noise

For the mean field equation \[ \d \theta_t = - \Bigl(\theta_t- \mathcal M_{\beta}(\mu_t)\Bigr) + \sqrt{2}\sigma \Bigl(\theta_t - \mathcal M_{\beta}(\mu_t)\Bigr) \odot \d W_t, \qquad \mu_t = {\rm Law}(\theta_t) \]

Under parameter constraints independent of \(d\),

  • Consensus : exponentially fast with rate independent of \(d\),

\[\mathcal C(\rho_t) \to 0 \qquad \text{and} \qquad \mathcal M(\rho_t) \to \theta_{\infty}\]

  • Accuracy : For \(C_L\) independent of \(d\),

\[ \begin{aligned} f(\theta_{\infty}) - f(\theta_*) &\leq \expect \e^{-\beta \bigl( f(\theta_0) - f(\theta_*) \bigr)} + \frac{\log 2}{\beta} \\ &\leq \frac{\color{red}{d}}{2} \frac{\log(\beta/(2\pi))}{\beta} + \frac{C_L}{\beta}. \end{aligned} \]

Discretization methods

  1. Euler-Maruyama:

\[ \theta^{(j)}_{n+1} = \theta^{(j)}_{n} - \Bigl(\theta^{(j)}_{n} - \mathcal M_{\beta}(\mu^J_{n})\Bigr) \, \Delta + \sqrt{2 \Delta} \sigma \Bigl(\theta^{(j)}_n - \mathcal M_{\beta}(\mu^J_n)\Bigr) \odot \xi^{(j)}_n, \]

  1. Splitting to avoid overshooting:

\[ \begin{aligned} \widehat \theta^{(j)}_{n} &= \mathcal M_{\beta}(\mu^J_{n}) + \e^{-\Delta} \left(\theta^{(j)}_n - \mathcal M_{\beta}(\mu^J_{n}) \right) \\ \theta^{(j)}_{n+1} &= \widehat \theta^{(j)}_{n} + \sqrt{2 \Delta} \sigma \Bigl(\widehat \theta^{(j)}_n - \mathcal M_{\beta}(\mu^J_n)\Bigr) \odot \xi^{(j)}_n \end{aligned} \]

  1. Piecewise exact integration with frozen nonlocal term:

\[ \theta^{(j)}_{n+1} = \mathcal M_{\beta}(\mu^J_{n}) + \sum_{\ell=1}^d \mathbf e_\ell \left( \theta^{(j)}_{n} - \mathcal M_{\beta}(\mu^J_{n}) \right)_\ell \exp \left( \left( - 1 - \sigma^2 \right) \Delta + \sqrt{2 \Delta}\sigma \xi^{(j)}_{n,i} \right) \]

Discretizations 2) and 3) were proposed in Carrillo, Jin, Li, Zhu 2021.

Analysis of discrete-time methods

  • (Q1) Consensus: Is there a common consensus state \(\theta_{\infty} = \theta_{\infty}(\omega,\beta,\Delta)\) such that almost surely \[ \forall j \in \{1, \dotsc, J\}, \qquad \lim_{n \to \infty} \theta^{(j)}_n = \theta_{\infty} \]

  • (Q2) Accuracy: How close is \(\theta_{\infty}\) to \(\theta_*\), the global minimizer of \(f\).

    • Dependence on \(J\)?

    • Dependence on \(\beta\)?

    • Dependence on \(\Delta\)?

  • (Q3?) Mean field: studying \(J \to \infty\) at the discrete-time level may be useful.

Analysis for Euler-Maruyama

In Ha, Jin, Kim, 2019, the case where \(W^{(1)} = \dots = W^{(J)}\) is investigated.

Theorem: consensus formation for the Euler-Maruyama scheme

If \(0 < \sigma^2 < 1\) and \(0 < \Delta < 2 - 2\sigma^2\), then

  • it holds for all \(1 \leq i,j \leq J\) that \[ \expect \left\lvert \theta_n^{(i)} - \theta_n^{(j)} \right\rvert^2 \leq \e^{- n \Delta (2 - \Delta - 2 \sigma^2)} \expect \left\lvert \theta_0^{(i)} - \theta_0^{(j)} \right\rvert^2 \]

  • it holds for all \(1 \leq i,j \leq J\) that, almost surely, \[ \left\lvert \theta_n^{(i)} - \theta_n^{(j)} \right\rvert \leq \e^{-n \Delta Y_n} \left\lvert \theta_n^{(i)} - \theta_n^{(j)} \right\rvert \] where \(Y_n\) is a random variable satisfying \[ \lim_{n \to \infty} Y_n(\omega) = \frac{1}{2} (2 - \Delta - 2 \sigma^2). \]

Analysis of a general discrete-time method

Later in Ha, Jin, Kim, 2021, this is generalized to

\[ \theta^{(j)}_{n+1} = \theta^{(j)}_{n} - {\color{red} \gamma} \Bigl(\theta^{(j)}_{n} - \mathcal M_{\beta}(\mu^J_{n})\Bigr) + \sum_{\ell=1}^d \mathbf e_\ell \Bigl(\theta^{(j)}_n - \mathcal M_{\beta}(\mu^J_n)\Bigr)_\ell \, {\color{red}{\eta_{n,\ell}}}, \] with \(\expect \left[{\color{red}{\eta_{n,i}}}\right] = 0\) and \(\expect \left[{\color{red}{\eta_{n,i}}}^2\right] = {\color{red}{\zeta^2}}\).

Theorem: consensus formation for generalized scheme

If \(r := (1 - \gamma)^2 + \zeta^2 < 1\), then

  • it holds for all \(1 \leq i,j \leq J\) that \[ \expect \left\lvert \theta_n^{(i)} - \theta_n^{(j)} \right\rvert^2 = \mathcal O (r^n) \]

  • there exists \(\theta_{\infty}\) such that almost surely \[ \forall j \in \{1, \dotsc, J\}, \qquad \lim_{n \to \infty} \theta^{(j)}_n = \theta_{\infty}. \]

The result is further generalized to heterogeneous noises in Ko, Ha, Jin, Kim, 2022

Analysis of a general discrete-time method

In Ha, Jin, Kim, 2021, the authors also show that, under appropriate conditions, \[ {\rm ess\,inf}_{\omega \in \Omega} f\bigl(\theta_{\infty}(\omega)\bigr) - f(\theta_*) \leq - \frac{1}{\beta} \log \expect \e^{-\beta \bigl( f(\theta_0^{(1)}) - f(\theta_*) \bigr)} + \mathcal O(\beta^{-1}) \] This implies, for well-prepared initial data, \[ {\rm ess\,inf}_{\omega \in \Omega} f\bigl(\theta_{\infty}(\omega)\bigr) - f(\theta_*) \leq \frac{d}{2} \frac{\log \beta}{\beta} + \mathcal O(\beta^{-1}) \] where \(\theta_* = {\rm arg\,min} f\).

  • This is an estimate for the best-case scenario.

  • No guarantee that \(\proba \bigl[ |f(\theta_{\infty}) - f(\theta_*)| \geq \varepsilon \bigr] \to 0\) as \((\beta,J) \to (\infty,\infty)\).

  • This was proved only for homogeneous noise.

Analysis of discrete-time methods for CBO

  • Summary of known results for the discrete scheme with \(J < \infty\):

    Consensus Accuracy
    Same noise ✔️ ✔️
    Independent noises ✔️
  • Other open questions?

    • Influence of discretization method on performance;

    • Choice of time step:

    \(\Delta\) 0.01 0.1 0.2 0.5 1
    Success rate 100% 98% 92% 52% 33%
    Number of iterations 1133.16 111.23 54.46 20.44 12.67

Discretization of CBS

Consider the following mean field sampling method to sample from \(\e^{-f}\): \[ \d \theta_t = - \Bigl(\theta_t - \mathcal M_{\beta}(\mu_t)\Bigr) \, \d t + \sqrt{2 (1+\beta) \mathcal C_{\beta}(\mu_t)} \, \d W_t, \qquad \mu_t = {\rm Law}(\theta_t) \] Discretization by freezing the nonlocal terms over each time step: \[ \theta_{n+1} = \mathcal M_{\beta}(\mu_n) + \e^{-\Delta} \Bigl(\theta_n - \mathcal M_{\beta}(\mu_n)\Bigr) + \sqrt{(1 - \e^{-2\Delta})(1+\beta) \mathcal C_{\beta}(\mu_n)} \xi_n. \]

  • Same steady states as the continuous equation, unconditionally stable

  • We can let \(\alpha = \e^{-\Delta}\) to simplify the notation.

Analysis of the discrete-time method

  • Any steady state must satisfy

\[ \color{blue}{\mu_{\infty}} = \mathcal N \bigl( \mathcal M_{\beta}(\color{blue}{\mu_{\infty}}), (1 + \beta) \mathcal C_{\beta}(\color{blue}{\mu_{\infty}})\bigr). \]

  • For sufficiently large \(\beta\), there exists a steady state \(\mathcal N(m_{\infty}, C_{\infty})\) such that

    \[ |m_{\infty}(\beta) - m_*| = \mathcal O(\beta^{-1}), \qquad |C_{\infty}(\beta) - C_*| = \mathcal O(\beta^{-1}), \] where \(\mathcal N(m_*, C_*)\) the Laplace approximation of \(\e^{-f}\).

  • For gaussian initial condition and target \(\mathcal N(a, A)\), exponential convergence:

\[ |m_n - a| + |C_n - A| = \mathcal O(\lambda^n), \qquad \lambda = \left( \frac{1 - \alpha}{1 + \beta} + \alpha \right) \]

  • For gaussian initial condition and general target \(\e^{-f}\), exponential convergence to Gaussian approximation: \[ |m_n - m_{\infty}(\beta)| + |C_n - C_{\infty}(\beta)| = \mathcal O(\lambda^n), \qquad \lambda = \alpha + (1-\alpha^2)\frac{k}{\beta}. \]

Julia, a good language for scientific computing?

Python Matlab Julia C
Libre? ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
Fast? ✔️ ✔️
Easy? ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
Math-friendly? ✔️ ✔️
Ecosystem? ✔️ ✔️
  • Julia is easy to learn, read and maintain

  • Julia is fast: “As simple as Python with the speed of C++”

  • Julia is well-suited for numerical mathematics

  • Julia is libre software

A bit of history

  • Created in 2009 by J. Bezanson, S. Karpinski, V. B. Shah, and A. Edelman

  • Excerpt from the Julia Manifesto:

We want a language that’s open source, with a liberal license. We want the speed of C with the dynamism of Ruby. We want a language that’s homoiconic, with true macros like Lisp, but with obvious, familiar mathematical notation like Matlab. We want something as usable for general programming as Python, as easy for statistics as R, as natural for string processing as Perl, as powerful for linear algebra as Matlab, as good at gluing programs together as the shell. Something that is dirt simple to learn, yet keeps the most serious hackers happy. We want it interactive and we want it compiled.

Adoption of Julia is rapidly increasing

Performance benchmark

Julia is a great fit for numerical mathematics

  • Elegant syntax to define functions
f(x) = cos(x) + sin(x)
  • The syntax for anonymous functions is equally elegant:
import Plots
Plots.plot(x -> cos(x) + sin(x))
  • Use of unicode characters:
ω = 1  # ⚠️ Even emojis work!
f(t) = sin*t)
∇f(t) = ω * cos*t)
(t) = f(t) * f(t)
  • Compiled just in time (for loops allowed!):
@elapsed sum(1/n^2 for n  1:10^8)

In comparison, Python takes about 10 seconds…

  • Contains most math functions out of the box:
π, Float64(), randn(), √2
(π, 2.718281828459045, -1.3736221585723176, 1.4142135623730951)
  • Concise syntax, MATLAB-like syntax for matrices:
M = [1 2 3; 4 5 6]
2×3 Matrix{Int64}:
 1  2  3
 4  5  6
M[:, [1, 3]]
2×2 Matrix{Int64}:
 1  3
 4  6
  • Great syntax for array broadcasting:
broadcast(gcd, 6, [9, 8, 7])
gcd.(6, [9 8 7])
1×3 Matrix{Int64}:
 3  2  1
1 .+ [1; 2; 3] .+ [1 1 1; 1 1 1; 1 1 1]
3×3 Matrix{Int64}:
 3  3  3
 4  4  4
 5  5  5

Julia’s programming paradigm: multiple dispatch

Wikipedia definition: paradigm in which a function or method can be dynamically dispatched based on the run-time type.

  • Example:
f(x::Int) = "Int $x"
f(x::Float64) = "Float: $x"
f(x::Any) = "Generic fallback"
"Float: 1.2"
  • Makes it simple to extend existing packages:
import Base.-
function -(s1::String, s2::String)
    return s1[1:length(s1)-length(s2)]
"julia" - "ia"
  • Python, in comparison, uses single dispach.

More realistic example of multiple dispatch

abstract type Shape end
struct Rock     <: Shape end
struct Paper    <: Shape end
struct Scissors <: Shape end
play(::Type{Paper}, ::Type{Rock})     = "Paper wins"
play(::Type{Paper}, ::Type{Scissors}) = "Scissors wins"
play(::Type{Rock},  ::Type{Scissors}) = "Rock wins"
play(::Type{T},     ::Type{T}) where {T<: Shape} = "Tie, try again"
play(a::Type{<:Shape}, b::Type{<:Shape}) = play(b, a) # Commutativity
play(Paper, Rock)
"Paper wins"

Adding a shape is simple:

struct Well <: Shape end
play(::Type{Well}, ::Type{Rock})     = "Well wins"
play(::Type{Well}, ::Type{Scissors}) = "Well wins"
play(::Type{Well}, ::Type{Paper})    = "Paper wins"

Rich ecosystem: Plotting capabilities

using PlotlyJS
ackley(𝐱) = 20 + exp(1) - 20 * exp(-.2/2 * (𝐱[1]^2 + 𝐱[2]^2)) - exp(.5 * sum(cos.(2π*𝐱)))
L, N = 5, 100
𝐱, 𝐲 = L/N * (-N:N), L/N * (-N:N)
meshgrid = [[x, y] for x  𝐱, y  𝐲]
𝐳 = ackley.(meshgrid)
plot(surface(x=𝐱, y=𝐲, z=𝐳, showscale=false))

Rich ecosystem: Solving PDEs

\[ \begin{align} - \nabla \cdot (\alpha \nabla u) &= f \qquad \text{ in } \Omega \\ u &= 0 \qquad \text{ in } \partial \Omega \end{align} \]

    using Gridap
    f(x) = 1
    domain = (0, 1, 0, 1)
    partition = (10, 10)
    model = CartesianDiscreteModel(domain, partition)
    Ω = Triangulation(model)
= Measure(Ω, 2)
    order = 1
    reffe = ReferenceFE(lagrangian, Float64, order)
    V0 = TestFESpace(model, reffe, conformity=:H1, dirichlet_tags="boundary")
    U = TrialFESpace(V0, x -> 0)
    diffusivity(x) = exp(*cos(x[1]))
    a(u,v) = ( diffusivity * (v)  (u) )*
    b(v) = ( v*rhs )*
    op = AffineFEOperator(a, b, U, V0)
    uh = solve(op)

Towards a library for consensus-based methods

  • Provide a unified interface to the different methods

  • In the documentation, present algorithmic description of the variants

  • Incorporate benchmarks to help comparison

  • Enhance reproducibility of research

Software versioning and sharing code

  • Use git for software versioning

  • Use github (or gitlab, …) to collaborate

  • Add a licence (MIT, GPL…) to make it legally libre

Several codes already on github:

The Journal of Open Source Software seems a good venue for this type of work.

Software versioning and sharing code


Ingredients of a CBO code

  • Model code: the objective function to minimize

  • Solver code: where CBO enters

  • (optional) Visualization code: good to monitor, understand and illustrate

  • Main code: calls the other parts

Example model code: the Ackley function

module Ackley
    dim, shift = 2, 1
    function f(𝐱)
        𝐳 = 𝐱 .- 1
        20 + exp(1) - 20 * exp(-.2*sqrt(1/dim * 𝐳'𝐳)) - exp(1/dim*sum(cos.(2π*𝐳)))

Solver code: a possible skeleton

module Cbo
    struct Config
        β::Float64  # Inverse temperature
        σ::Float64  # Diffusion coefficient
        Δ::Float64  # Time step

    function step!(f, config::Config, ensemble)
        # Main solver code comes here
  • We want the model and solver code to be decoupled

  • Modules in julia help organize code into separate units

  • In julia, the ! is used to signal that the function changes the arguments

Implementing the step! function

function step!(f, ensemble, config::Config)
    # Define a few variables for convenience
    d, J = size(ensemble)
    β, σ, Δ = config.β, config.σ, config.Δ

Implementing the step! function

function step!(f, ensemble, config::Config)
    # Define a few variables for convenience
    d, J = size(ensemble)
    β, σ, Δ = config.β, config.σ, config.Δ

    # Calculate weighted mean
    fensemble = f.(eachcol(ensemble))
    fensemble = fensemble .- minimum(fensemble)
    weights = exp.(- β*fensemble)
    weights = weights / sum(weights)
    mean = ensemble * weights

Implementing the step! function

function step!(f, ensemble, config::Config)
    # Define a few variables for convenience
    d, J = size(ensemble)
    β, σ, Δ = config.β, config.σ, config.Δ

    # Calculate weighted mean
    fensemble = f.(eachcol(ensemble))
    fensemble = fensemble .- minimum(fensemble)
    weights = exp.(- β*fensemble)
    weights = weights / sum(weights)
    mean = ensemble * weights

Implementing the step! function

function step!(f, ensemble, config::Config)
    # Define a few variables for convenience
    d, J = size(ensemble)
    β, σ, Δ = config.β, config.σ, config.Δ

    # Calculate weighted mean
    fensemble = f.(eachcol(ensemble))
    fensemble = fensemble .- minimum(fensemble)
    weights = exp.(- β*fensemble)
    weights = weights / sum(weights)
    mean = ensemble * weights

    # Update positions with Euler—Maruyama
    diff_mean = ensembles .- mean
    ensembles .+= - Δ * diff_mean + σ*sqrt(2Δ) * diff_mean .* randn(d, J)

It is not crucial to optimize this code if the bottleneck is f!

Main code: putting things together

# Dimension and number of particles
d, J = 2, 100

# Make the code a bit generic
Model, Solver = Ackley, Cbo

# Initial ensemble
ensemble = 3randn(d, J)

# Solver config
β, σ, Δ = 100, .3, .1
config = Solver.Config(β, σ, Δ)

# Perform 40 iterations
for i  1:40
    Solver.step!(Model.f, ensemble, config)
  • In practice, use sensible stopping criterion and

  • calculate the mean of final ensemble to obtain a point estimator.

Adding some visualization code

anim = @animate for i  1:40
    Cbo.step!(Ackley.f, ensemble, config)
    scatter(ensemble[1,:], ensemble[2,:], label=:none)
Plots.gif(anim, "cbo.gif", fps=4)

With a bit more work…

function plot_ackley(ensemble)
    L = 3 ; grid = LinRange(-L, L, 100)
    heatmap(grid, grid, (x,y) -> Ackley.f([x,y]), size=(900, 900), colormap=:pastel, cbar=:none)
    scatter!([0], [0], color="black", markershape=:xcross,
            markersize=10, label=:none, xlims=(-3,3), ylims=(-3,3))
    scatter!(ensemble[1,:], ensemble[2,:], label=:none)

anim = @animate for i  1:40
    Cbo.step!(Ackley.f, ensemble, config)
Plots.gif(anim, "ackley.gif", fps=4)

Improvement 1: evaluate f in parallel

In many applications, such as

  • machine learning,

  • inverse problems for partial differential equations,

the computational bottleneck is evaluation of f

# Calculate weighted mean
fensemble = f.(eachcol(ensemble))

For computationally expensive applications, make this loop parallel:

using Base.Threads
fensemble = zeros(J)
@threads for j  1:J
    fensemble[j] = f(ensemble[:, j])

Improvement 2: organize in separate files

  • Files for models (Ackley, Rastrigin, …)

  • Files for solvers (CBO, PSO, …)

  • Test files

├── model_ackley.jl
├── model_rastrigin.jl
├── run_test_1.jl
├── run_test_2.jl
├── solver_cbo.jl
└── solver_cbs.jl

In test files, choose model and solver:


Improvement 3: move iterations to the solver code

function minimize(f, ensemble, config::Config; tol=1e-8, maxiter=1000, savedir=:none)
    ensemble = copy(ensemble)
    for i  1:maxiter
        if norm(cov(ensemble, dims=2)) <= tol
            @goto converged
        step!(f, ensemble, config)
        if savedir != :none
            writedlm("$savedir/$i.txt", ensemble)
    error("Did not converge!")
    @label converged
    argmin = mean(ensemble, dims=2)[:]
    return argmin, f(argmin)

In run_test_1.jl, we call this function

x, m = Cbo.minimize(Ackley.f, ensemble, config; savedir="test_1")

Improvement 4: add steepest descent at the end

In some cases, this can be achieved easily using automatic differentiation

using Zygote
function minimize(f, ensemble, config::Config; tol=1e-8, maxiter=1000, savedir=:none)
    # ... (Previous code omitted)
    γ = .001
    while norm(f'(argmin)) >= tol
        argmin -= γ * f'(argmin)
    return argmin, f(argmin)

Works with almost any Julia function

function my_sqrt(x)
    t = (1 + x) / 2
    while abs(t*t - x) > 1e-10
        t =  (t + (x/t)) / 2
    return t


Improvement 5: decoupling the visualization

  • Often, the solver and visualization codes run on different computers;

  • Often, we want to plot results before the end.


Example set-up

  • Connect to remote server:

    cd cbo
  • Launch code on remote server:

    julia --threads 8 run_test_1.jl
  • Mount remote filesystem on local machine:

    mkdir local_folder
    sshfs local_folder
  • Launch plotting code from local machine

    cd local_folder
    julia plot_test_1.jl

Improvement 5: decoupling the visualization

Decoupling can be achieved by saving to files:

  • In test code, instruct solver to save results in files;

  • Read results from files in visualization code.

savedir = "test_1"
anim = @animate for i in 1:
    filename = "$savedir/$i.txt"
    if !isfile(filename)
    ensemble = readdlm(filename)
    scatter(ensemble[1,:], ensemble[2,:], label=:none,
            xlims=(-3, 3), ylims=(-3, 3))
gif(anim, "ackley_cbo.gif", fps=4)