In [1]:
# Copyright (c) 2020 Urbain Vaes. All rights reserved.
# This work is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.
# For a copy, see <>.
import time
import numpy as np
import scipy.special
import scipy.optimize
import scipy.integrate
import scipy.stats
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
In [2]:
matplotlib.rc('font', size=20)
matplotlib.rc('font', family='serif')
matplotlib.rc('text', usetex=False)
matplotlib.rc('figure', figsize=(14, 8))
matplotlib.rc('lines', linewidth=2)
matplotlib.rc('figure.subplot', hspace=.4)

# Handy decorator
def timeit(fun):
    def fun_with_timer(*args, **kwargs):
        t0 = time.time()
        result = fun(*args, **kwargs)
        t1 = time.time()
        print("Time elapsed in {}: {}".format(fun.__name__, t1 - t0))
        return result
    return fun_with_timer

Problem 1: Generalized Bernoulli distribution

In [3]:
def rand_bernoulli(probs, n):
    cumul = np.cumsum(probs)
    u = np.random.rand(n)
    result = np.ones(n, dtype=int)
    for c in cumul:
        result += (u > c)
    return result

n = 10**3
probs = [.125, .125, .375, .375]
x = rand_bernoulli(probs, n)
pmf = [sum(x == i)/n for i in range(1, len(probs) + 1)]

# Alternative...
# pmf = np.histogram(x, bins=(.5 + np.arange(len(probs))))[0]

[0.132, 0.127, 0.358, 0.383]

Problem 2: Sampling from $\text{Gamma}(k, \lambda)$

In [4]:
gamma = scipy.special.gamma

def rand_gamma_int(lam, k, n):
    u = np.random.rand(k, n)
    return (-1/lam)*np.sum(np.log(u), axis=0)

def rand_cauchy(n):
    u = np.random.rand(n)
    return np.tan(np.pi*(u - .5))

def gamma_pdf(x, lam, k):
    positive, x = x > 0, np.abs(x)
    return positive * ((lam**k)*x**(k-1)*np.exp(-lam*x) / gamma(k))

def cauchy_pdf(x):
    return 1/(np.pi*(1 + x**2))

def gamma_reject(lam, k, n):
    assert k > 1  # We need k > 1 because gamma(0) = ∞
    k0, lam0 = int(k), (int(k)/k)*lam
    x_star = 0 if k0 == k else (k - k0)/(lam - lam0)
    M = lam**k/lam0**k0 * gamma(k0)/gamma(k) * \
    n = int(n*M) + 1  # We do this to generate approximately n samples
    x = rand_gamma_int(lam0, k0, n)
    u = np.random.rand(n)
    indices = M*u <= gamma_pdf(x, lam, k)/gamma_pdf(x, lam0, k0)
    return x[np.where(indices)]

def gamma_reject_cauchy(k, n):  # Only for lam == 1
    M = (np.pi/gamma(k))*((k-1)**(k-1)*np.exp(-(k-1))*np.pi +
    n = int(n*M) + 1  # We do this to generate approximately n samples
    x = rand_cauchy(n)
    u = np.random.rand(n)
    indices = M*u <= gamma_pdf(x, 1, k)/cauchy_pdf(x)
    return x[np.where(indices)]

n, x = 10**4, np.linspace(0, 10, 500)
def test(k, lam=1, plot=False):
    y1 = gamma_reject(lam, k, n)
    y2 = gamma_reject_cauchy(k, n)
    if plot:
        fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2)
        ax[0].plot(x, gamma_pdf(x, lam, k))
        ax[1].plot(x, gamma_pdf(x, lam, k))
        ax[0].hist(y1, bins=20, density=True)
        ax[1].hist(y2, bins=20, density=True)

test(8.5, plot=True)
Time elapsed in gamma_reject: 0.0018849372863769531
Time elapsed in gamma_reject_cauchy: 0.051596879959106445
Time elapsed in gamma_reject: 0.0018398761749267578
Time elapsed in gamma_reject_cauchy: 0.05619621276855469
Time elapsed in gamma_reject: 0.0027709007263183594
Time elapsed in gamma_reject_cauchy: 0.14395880699157715

Problem 3: Monte Carlo simulation

In [5]:
def batman_indicator(x, y):

    # We'll initialize at one and remove parts one by one
    result = np.ones(x.shape)

    # Ellipse
    ellipse = (x/7)**2 + (y/3)**2 - 1 >= 0
    result[np.where(ellipse)] = 0

    # Bottom curve on [-3, 3]
    bottom = (abs(x) < 4) * \
             (y <= abs(x/2) - ((3*np.sqrt(33)-7)/112)*x**2 - 3
              + np.sqrt(np.maximum(0, 1-(abs(abs(x)-2) - 1)**2)))
    result[np.where(bottom)] = 0

    # Top curve
    top = (abs(x) > .75) * (abs(x) < 1) * (y > 9 - 8*abs(x)) \
          + (abs(x) > .5) * (abs(x) < .75) * (y > 3*abs(x) + .75) \
          + (abs(x) < .5) * (y > 2.25) \
          + (abs(x) > 1) * (abs(x) < 3) * \
            (y > (6*np.sqrt(10)/7+(1.5-.5*abs(x))-(6*np.sqrt(10)/14)*\
                  np.sqrt(np.maximum(0, 4-(abs(x)-1)**2))))
    result[np.where(top)] = 0
    return result

# Exact area
I = (955/48) - (2/7) * (2*np.sqrt(33) + 7*np.pi + 3*np.sqrt(10) * (np.pi - 1)) \
    + 21 * (np.arccos(3/7) + np.arccos(4/7))

xs = np.arange(-7.25, 7.25, 0.01)
ys = np.arange(-3.1, 3.1, 0.01)
x, y = np.meshgrid(xs, ys)
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.contourf(x, y, batman_indicator(x, y))
In [6]:
# Dimensions of the bounding box
Lx, Ly = 7.25, 4

def Monte_Carlo(fun, n=1000):
    x, y = np.random.rand(2, n)
    x, y = Lx * (2*x - 1), Ly * (2*y - 1)
    result = 4*Lx*Ly * fun(x, y)
    return np.mean(result), result

Construction of confidence intervals

Note that, below, we estimate the probability that $|I - \hat I_n| < a_{95\%}$, where $a_{95\%}$ is the half-width of 95% the confidence interval constructed by one of the method, also by employing a Monte-Carlo method! In particular, we could in principle construct a confidence interval for that probability!

In [7]:
# 95% confidence interval using the three methods
alpha = .05

# Calculate half-width (up factor the common factor)
hw_cheb = 1/np.sqrt(alpha)
hw_clt = np.sqrt(2)*scipy.special.erfinv(1 - alpha)
def hw_bikelis_fun(m2, m3, n):
    root = scipy.optimize.root(
        fun = lambda a: scipy.special.erf(a/np.sqrt(2))
                         - 2*m3/(m2**(3/2)*(1 + np.abs(a))**3)/np.sqrt(n)
                         - (1 - alpha),
            x0 = hw_clt)

    if root.status:
        return root.x[0]
        raise Exception("Root not found!")

# Repeat the Monte Carlo several times to estimate the probability that I is
# in our confidence interval
n_times = 1000

# We will construct confidence intervals based on the sample variance
result_cheb = np.zeros(n_times)
result_clt = np.zeros(n_times)
result_bikelis = np.zeros(n_times)
result_hoeffdings = np.zeros(n_times)

for i in range(n_times):
    In, result = Monte_Carlo(batman_indicator)

    # Number of samples used in MC estimator
    n = len(result)

    # Calculate sample variance
    m2, m3 = np.mean((result - In)**2), np.mean((result - In)**3)

    # Common factor in confidence intervals
    factor = np.sqrt(m2/n)

    # Calculate half-width of the confidence interval with Bikelis
    hw_bikelis = hw_bikelis_fun(m2, m3, n)

    # With Hoeffding's theorem: here no factor sigma/sqrt(n)
    hw_hoeffdings = 4*Lx*Ly * np.sqrt(- np.log((alpha)/2)/(2*n))

    result_cheb[i] = abs(I - In) < hw_cheb * factor
    result_clt[i] = abs(I - In) < hw_clt * factor
    result_bikelis[i] = abs(I - In) < hw_bikelis * factor
    result_hoeffdings[i] = abs(I - In) < hw_hoeffdings

def print_confidence(method, value):
    print("(Approximate) actual confidence of the 95% conf. int. "
          "constructed via {}: {:.4f} ".format(method, value))

print_confidence("Chebyshev's inequality", np.mean(result_cheb))
print_confidence("the CLT", np.mean(result_clt))
print_confidence("Bikelis' theorem", np.mean(result_bikelis))
print_confidence("Hoeffdings' theorem", np.mean(result_hoeffdings))
(Approximate) actual confidence of the 95% conf. int. constructed via Chebyshev's inequality: 1.0000 
(Approximate) actual confidence of the 95% conf. int. constructed via the CLT: 0.9530 
(Approximate) actual confidence of the 95% conf. int. constructed via Bikelis' theorem: 0.9530 
(Approximate) actual confidence of the 95% conf. int. constructed via Hoeffdings' theorem: 0.9960 

Variance reduction by control variate.

In [8]:
def ellipse_indicator(x, y):
    return ((x/7)**2 + (y/3)**2 - 1 < 0)*1.

# Area of ellipse
E = np.pi * 7 * 3

# Monte Carlo estimation
n = 10**6
x, y = np.random.rand(2, n)
x, y = Lx * (2*x - 1), Ly * (2*y - 1)
result_batman = 4*Lx*Ly * batman_indicator(x, y)
result_ellipse = 4*Lx*Ly * ellipse_indicator(x, y)

# Estimate the optimal coefficient
Sigma = np.cov(result_batman, result_ellipse)
alpha = - Sigma[0, 1] / Sigma[1, 1]

# Estimator with control variate
result_c = result_batman + alpha * (result_ellipse - E)

# Variance (times n)
var_c = np.var(result_c)

print("Variance (times n) without and with control variate:",
      "{:.2f}, {:.2f}.".format(Sigma[0, 0], var_c))

# Compare with expected variance reduction
exact_gain = 1 - (I*(4*Lx*Ly -E))/(E*(4*Lx*Ly - I))
print("Observed and exact variance reduction:",
      "{:.3f}, {:.3f}.".format(var_c/Sigma[0, 0], exact_gain))
Variance (times n) without and with control variate: 3273.11, 1497.53.
Observed and exact variance reduction: 0.458, 0.457.

Problem 5: Importance sampling

In [9]:
pdf_double_exponential = lambda x: (1/2)*np.exp(-np.abs(x))

def pdf_gaussian(sigma):
    return lambda x: 1/np.sqrt(2*np.pi*sigma**2) * np.exp(-.5*x**2/sigma**2)

def importance_sampling(sigma, n=10**5):
    x = sigma * np.random.randn(n)
    result = (x**2 * pdf_double_exponential(x) / pdf_gaussian(sigma)(x))
    return np.mean(result), np.var(result)

n_sigmas = 20
sigmas = np.logspace(0, 1, n_sigmas)
mean, var = np.zeros(n_sigmas), np.zeros(n_sigmas)
for i, s in enumerate(sigmas):
    mean[i], var[i] = importance_sampling(s)

fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.loglog(sigmas, var, marker='.')
ax.set_ylabel(r"Variance of the estimator, times $n$")

# More general importance sampling function
def importance_sampling(f, nominal_pdf, importance_pdf,
                        rand_important, n=10**3, self_norm=False):
    x = rand_important(n)
    fx = f(x)
    ratios = nominal_pdf(x) / importance_pdf(x)
    nominator = np.sum(fx*ratios)
    denominator = np.sum(ratios) if self_norm else n
    return nominator / denominator

n_tests = 10**3
estimators = np.zeros(n_tests)
estimators_sn = np.zeros(n_tests)
pdf_gumbel = lambda x: np.exp(x - np.exp(x))
for i in range(n_tests):
    args = (lambda x: np.exp(x), pdf_gumbel,
            pdf_gaussian(1), np.random.randn)
    estimators[i] = importance_sampling(*args, self_norm=False)
    estimators_sn[i] = importance_sampling(*args, self_norm=True)

# Check
exact = scipy.integrate.quad(lambda x: np.exp(2*x - np.exp(x)), -10, 10)[0]
print(exact, np.mean(estimators), np.mean(estimators_sn))

print("Variance without self-normalization: {}".format(np.var(estimators)))
print("Variance with self-normalization: {}".format(np.var(estimators_sn)))
0.9999999989694544 0.9992763568641574 1.012098436407218
Variance without self-normalization: 0.000350889030088823
Variance with self-normalization: 0.004917541253228665

Problem 6: Gambler's ruin

In [10]:
def gamblers_ruin(b_fun, n, plot=False):

    # Parameters
    s0, sigma, N = 1, .1, 10

    # Target function to integrate
    def f(x):
        return (np.min(x, axis=0) <= 0)*1.

    # Likelihood ratio
    def g(x):

        n_paths = x.shape[1]

        result = np.zeros(n_paths)
        for i in range(N):
            bi = b_fun(x[i, :])
            result += bi * (x[i + 1, :] - x[i, :]) - (1/2) * bi**2

        return np.exp(-(1/sigma**2) * result)

    n_per_slice = 10**6
    n_slices = n // n_per_slice
    n = n_per_slice * n_slices
    mn, qn = 0, 0

    for i in range(n_slices):
        # x = samples from the nominal distribution
        # y = samples from the importance distribution
        z = sigma * np.random.randn(N, n_per_slice)

        # We store the initial condition in x too
        x = np.zeros((N + 1, n_per_slice))

        # Set initial condition
        x[0, :] = s0

        for j in range(N):
            x[j + 1] = x[j] + b_fun(x[j]) + z[j]

        fx, gx = f(x), g(x)
        mn = 1/(i+1) * (mn*i + np.mean(fx*gx))
        qn = 1/(i+1) * (qn*i + np.mean((fx*gx)**2))

    if plot:
        n_samples = 20
        fig, ax = plt.subplots()
        ax.plot(np.arange(N + 1), x[:, :n_samples], marker='.')
        ax.plot(np.arange(N + 1), np.zeros(N + 1), linestyle='--', color='k')

    return mn, n/(n - 1) * (qn - mn**2)

# Default parameter
b = -.1

def print_confidence(m, v):
    a = scipy.stats.norm.ppf(.975)
    # or 'manually'...
    # a = np.sqrt(2)*scipy.special.erfinv(.95)
    print("95% confidence interval for the probability of ruin: "
          "[{0:0.6f} - {1:0.2e}, {0:0.6f} + {1:0.2e}]"
          .format(m, a*np.sqrt(v)))

n = 10**6

# Without importance sampling
mean, var = gamblers_ruin(b_fun=lambda x: 0, n=n)
print_confidence(mean, var/n)

# With basic importance sampling
mean_is, var = gamblers_ruin(b_fun=lambda x: 0*x + b, n=n)
print_confidence(mean, var/n)

# With improved importance sampling
mean_im, var = gamblers_ruin(b_fun=lambda x: (x > 0)*b, n=n)
print_confidence(mean_im, var/n)
95% confidence interval for the probability of ruin: [0.000945 - 6.02e-05, 0.000945 + 6.02e-05]
95% confidence interval for the probability of ruin: [0.000945 - 4.71e-06, 0.000945 + 4.71e-06]
95% confidence interval for the probability of ruin: [0.000958 - 3.15e-06, 0.000958 + 3.15e-06]

Problem 7: Control variates

In [11]:
# Exact probability
a = 3
I = 1 - scipy.stats.norm.cdf(a)

# Quick computation to calculate good alpha
n = 10**6
fun = lambda x: (x > a)
fun_control = lambda x: (x > 0) - 1/2
z = np.random.randn(n)
x, y = fun(z), fun_control(z)

# Estimation of the optimal coefficient
alpha = - np.cov(x, y)[0, 1] / np.var(y)

# Estimators, with and without the control variate
ns = np.arange(1, n + 1)
In = np.cumsum(x) /ns
In_c = np.cumsum(x + alpha*y) /ns

# Estimation of the coefficient multiplying (1/n) in the variance of the
# estimator
sigma_f = np.var(x)
sigma_fc = np.var(x + alpha*y)

# The gain is insignificant!
print(I, In[-1], In_c[-1])
print(sigma_f, sigma_fc)
0.0013498980316301035 0.001309 0.0013101398227846677
0.0013072865189999992 0.0013055700539469357
In [12]:
# We can do better by using monomials
def monomials(x, n=12):
    # Double factorial
    dfact = lambda n: (n <= 0) or n * dfact(n-2)
    moment = lambda n: dfact(n - 1) if n % 2 == 0 else 0
    # We divide by (n - 1)!! only to improve the conditioning of the system
    # we'll have to solve below
    return np.array([x**i - moment(i) for i in range(1, n + 1)])

# Estimate the optimal coefficient (we could calculate the matrix exactly if we
# wanted to)
mons = monomials(z)
extended = np.vstack((x, mons))
mat = np.cov(extended)
F, M = mat[0, 1:], mat[1:, 1:]
alphas = - np.linalg.solve(M, F)

# Estimator with better cnotrol variatns
In_c_improved = np.cumsum(x +, mons))/ns
sigma_fc_improved = np.var(x +, mons))

# Here we obtain a modest gain, which is nice, but doesn't compensate the
# additional computational cost coming from the calculation of the controls.
print(I, In[-1], In_c[-1], In_c_improved[-1])
print(sigma_f, sigma_fc, sigma_fc_improved)
0.0013498980316301035 0.001309 0.0013101398227846677 0.0013162748315688096
0.0013072865189999992 0.0013055700539469357 0.0003524714448366309
In [13]:
# Plot of the control variate
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
x_plot = np.linspace(2, 4, 200)
control =, monomials(x_plot))
ax.plot(x_plot, fun(x_plot), label="$f(x)$")
ax.plot(x_plot, - control, label=r"$- \sum_i \alpha_i \, w_i(x)$")

Problem 8: Importance sampling with Gaussian mixture

In [14]:
beta = 100
x1, y1, x2, y2 = .5, -.01, .4, .5
c1x, c1y, c2x, c2y = 1, .5, .75, 1

V1 = lambda x, y: c1x*(x - x1)**2 + c1y*(y - y1)**4
V2 = lambda x, y: c2x*(x - x2)**2 + c2y*(y - y2)**4
f = lambda x, y: np.exp(-beta*V1(x, y)) + np.exp(-beta*V2(x,y))

# Exact value of the integral
Z = scipy.integrate.dblquad(f, -1, 1, -1, 1)[0]

# Monte Carlo
n = 10**6
x, y = np.random.uniform(-1, 1, (2, n))
fxy = 4*f(x, y)
sigma_f = np.var(fxy)

# To plot the variance of the estimator, we could reproduce the experiment many
# times and calculate the sample variance. To save computational time, here we
# just estimate it as sigma_f^2 / n, where sigma_f is the variance of (4*f(X, Y))
# where X and Y are uniformly distributed on [-1, 1] x [-1 , 1]
def plot(fxy, sigma_f):
    fig, ax = plt.subplots()
    ns = np.arange(1, n + 1)
    In = np.cumsum(fxy) / ns
    truncate = 10**3
    ns, In = ns[truncate + 1:], In[truncate + 1:]
    ax.semilogx(ns, In, label="Monte Carlo estimator $\hat I_n$")
    ax.semilogx(ns, In + sigma_f / np.sqrt(ns), color='k')
    ax.semilogx(ns, In - sigma_f / np.sqrt(ns), color='k',
                label=r"$\hat I_n \pm \sigma(\hat I_n)$")
    ax.semilogx(ns, 0*ns + Z, color='red', label="Exact value $Z$")
    ax.set_ylim(Z - .1, Z + .1)
    ax.legend(loc='upper right')

plot(fxy, sigma_f)
In [15]:
# With importance sampling

def gaussian(mu, sigma):  # Here sigma is the standard deviation!
    return lambda x: 1/np.sqrt(2*np.pi*sigma**2)*np.exp(-(x - mu)**2/(2*sigma**2))

s1x = np.sqrt(1/beta)
s1y = np.sqrt(2/beta)
s2x = np.sqrt(1/(.75*beta))
s2y = np.sqrt(1/beta)

def importance_pdf(x, y):
    g_1 = gaussian(x1, s1x)(x) * gaussian(y1, s1y)(y)
    g_2 = gaussian(x2, s2x)(x) * gaussian(y2, s2y)(y)
    return .5*g_1 + .5*g_2

def rand_importance(n):
    u = np.random.rand(n)
    sample_from_1 = u <= .5
    sample_from_2 = np.invert(sample_from_1)
    indices_1 = np.where(sample_from_1)[0]
    indices_2 = np.where(sample_from_2)[0]
    n1 = len(indices_1)
    n2 = len(indices_2)
    g1x = x1 + s1x * np.random.randn(n1)
    g1y = y1 + s1y * np.random.randn(n1)
    g2x = x2 + s2x * np.random.randn(n2)
    g2y = y2 + s2y * np.random.randn(n2)
    result = np.zeros((2, n))
    result[0][np.where(sample_from_1)] = g1x
    result[1][np.where(sample_from_1)] = g1y
    result[0][np.where(sample_from_2)] = g2x
    result[1][np.where(sample_from_2)] = g2y
    return result

# Monte Carlo with importance sampling
n = 10**6
x, y = rand_importance(n)
fxy_is = f(x, y) / importance_pdf(x, y)
sigma_is = np.var(fxy_is)
plot(fxy_is, sigma_is)

Problem 12: Sampling Gaussian random variables

In [16]:
# The inverse method was implemented above, so here we will just use the
# built-in function.

def gauss_reject(n):
    cauchy_pdf = lambda x: 1/(np.pi*(1+x**2))
    gaussian_pdf = lambda x: 1/np.sqrt(2*np.pi) * np.exp(-x**2/2)
    M = np.sqrt(2*np.pi/np.e)
    n_total = int(n*M*1.2) + 1
    x = np.random.standard_cauchy(n_total)
    u = np.random.rand(n_total)
    accept = np.nonzero(M*u <= gaussian_pdf(x)/cauchy_pdf(x))[0]
    if len(accept) < n:
        # Start over if we have not generated enough samples.
        # This should not happen often.
        print("Not enough accepts, {}/{}, recalulating...".
              format(len(accept), n))
        return gauss_reject(n)
    return x[accept[:n]]

def box_muller(n):
    n = n // 2  # For simplicity, we assume n is even
    u_1 = np.random.rand(n)
    u_2 = np.random.rand(n)
    x = np.sqrt(-2*np.log(u_1)) * np.cos(2*np.pi*u_2)
    y = np.sqrt(-2*np.log(u_1)) * np.sin(2*np.pi*u_2)
    return np.append(x, y)

def box_muller_alternative(n):
    n = n // 2

    # Rejetion sampling to sample from the cicrcle
    M = 4/np.pi
    n_total = int(n*M*1.2) + 1
    u_2, u_3 = np.random.uniform(-1, 1, (2, n_total))
    dist_squared = u_2**2 + u_3**2
    accept = np.nonzero(dist_squared <= 1)[0]
    if len(accept) < n:
        print("Not enough accepts, {}/{}, recalulating...".
              format(len(accept), n))
        return box_muller_improved(n)
    dist = np.sqrt(dist_squared[accept][:n])
    u_1 = np.random.rand(n)
    x = np.sqrt(-2*np.log(u_1)) * u_2[accept][:n]/dist
    y = np.sqrt(-2*np.log(u_1)) * u_3[accept][:n]/dist
    return np.append(x, y)[:n]

n = 10**6
y1 = gauss_reject(n)
y2 = box_muller(n)
y3 = box_muller_alternative(n)
Time elapsed in gauss_reject: 0.22568392753601074
Time elapsed in box_muller: 0.0624542236328125
Time elapsed in box_muller_alternative: 0.07841992378234863
In [17]:
# Check that the gaussian distribution
print(scipy.stats.kstest(y1, 'norm', mode='asymp'))
print(scipy.stats.kstest(y2, 'norm', mode='asymp'))
print(scipy.stats.kstest(y3, 'norm', mode='asymp'))
KstestResult(statistic=0.000846618916399311, pvalue=0.4704701079272705)
KstestResult(statistic=0.0011319300915014763, pvalue=0.15414788160272402)
KstestResult(statistic=0.0007102647042049881, pvalue=0.9624990350527084)