import LinearAlgebra
import Random
# Shorthand notation
norm = LinearAlgebra.norm
cond = LinearAlgebra.cond
# # Example of an ill-conditioned system
# Parameters of linear system
A = [1 1; 1 (1-1e-12)]
b = [0; 1e-12]
# Use much more accurate BigFloat format
exact_A = [1 1; 1 (1- BigFloat("1e-12"))]
exact_b = [0, BigFloat("1e-12")]
# Relative error on data
relative_error_b = norm(b - exact_b) / norm(b)
relative_error_A = norm(A - exact_A) / norm(A)
println("Relative error on b: $relative_error_b")
println("Relative error on A: $relative_error_A")
# Exact and approximate solutions
x_exact = [1; -1]
x_approx = A\b
relative_error_x = norm(x_exact - x_approx)/norm(x_approx)
println("Relative error on x: $relative_error_x")
# Condition number of A
cond_A = cond(A)
The relative error on the solution is much larger than the relative error on the data. The ratio between the two is of the same order of magnitude as the condition number of the matrix $A$.
function lu(A)
n = size(A)[1]
L = [i == j ? 1.0 : 0.0 for i in 1:n, j in 1:n]
U = copy(A)
for i in 1:n-1
for r in i+1:n
U[i, i] == 0 && error("Pivotal entry is zero!")
ratio = U[r, i] / U[i, i]
L[r, i] = ratio
U[r, i:end] -= U[i, i:end] * ratio
return L, U
ns = 2 .^ collect(5:9)
times = zeros(length(ns))
for (i, n) in enumerate(ns)
A = randn(n, n)
result = @timed lu(A)
L, U = result.value
times[i] = result.time
error = norm(L*U - A)
println("Error: $(LinearAlgebra.norm(L*U - A)), time: $(result.time)")
function lu_pivot(A)
n = size(A)[1]
L, U = zeros(n, 0), copy(A)
P = [i == j ? 1.0 : 0.0 for i in 1:n, j in 1:n]
function swap_rows!(i, j, matrices...)
for M in matrices
M_row_i = M[i, :]
M[i, :] = M[j, :]
M[j, :] = M_row_i
for i in 1:n-1
# Pivoting
index_row_pivot = i - 1 + argmax(abs.(U[i:end, i]))
swap_rows!(i, index_row_pivot, U, L, P)
# Usual Gaussian transformation
c = [zeros(i-1); 1.0; zeros(n-i)]
for r in i+1:n
ratio = U[r, i] / U[i, i]
c[r] = ratio
U[r, i:end] -= U[i, i:end] * ratio
L = [L c]
L = [L [zeros(n-1); 1.0]]
return P, L, U
ns = 2 .^ collect(5:9)
times = zeros(length(ns))
for (i, n) in enumerate(ns)
A = randn(n, n)
L, U = lu(A)
P, Lpivot, Upivot = lu_pivot(A)
println("\n-- n = $n --")
println("Condition numbers without pivoting: κ(L) = $(cond(L)), κ(U) = $(cond(U))")
println("Condition numbers with pivoting: κ(L) = $(cond(Lpivot)), κ(U) = $(cond(Upivot))")
import SparseArrays
A = LinearAlgebra.diagm(0 => 10*ones(8), 1 => ones(7), -1 => ones(7), 7 => ones(1), -7 => ones(1))
A = SparseArrays.SparseMatrixCSC(A)
# Construct permutation matrix obtained by Cuthill-McKee
σ = [1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 7, 5, 3]
Pσ = SparseArrays.spzeros(8, 8)
for j in 1:8
Pσ[σ[j], j] = 1
# Matrix after permutation
new_A = Pσ*A*Pσ'