using LinearAlgebra
import SparseArrays
import Plots
import PlotlyJS

# Domain size
Lx, Ly = 2, 1

# Number of discretization points along x and y, including the boundary points
nx, ny = 101, 101

function discretize(nx, ny)
    hx, hy = Lx/(nx - 1), Ly/(ny - 1)
    Dxx = (1/hx^2) * Tridiagonal(-ones(nx-3), 2ones(nx-2), -ones(nx-3))
    Dyy = (1/hy^2) * Tridiagonal(-ones(ny-3), 2ones(ny-2), -ones(ny-3))
    A = kron(Dxx, I(ny-2)) + kron(I(nx-2), Dyy)
    xgrid = Lx/(nx-1) * (1:nx-2)
    ygrid = Ly/(ny-1) * (1:ny-2)
    x_2d = reshape([x for y in ygrid, x in xgrid], (nx-2)*(ny-2))
    y_2d = reshape([y for y in ygrid, x in xgrid], (nx-2)*(ny-2))
    b = sin.(4π*x_2d) + sin.(2π*y_2d)
    return SparseArrays.SparseMatrixCSC(A), b

function plot_solution(f)
    f = reshape(f, ny-2, nx-2)

    # Boundary condition
    z = [zeros(nx)'; zeros(ny-2) f zeros(ny-2); zeros(nx)']
    xgrid = Lx/(nx-1) * (0:nx-1)
    ygrid = Ly/(ny-1) * (0:ny-1)

    # Plots.contourf(xgrid, ygrid, z, c=:viridis, levels=50)
    PlotlyJS.plot(PlotlyJS.contour(x=xgrid, y=ygrid, z=z))

function conjugate_gradient(A, b) # A is matrix, b is vector

    # initialize conjugate vector(estimated solution), residue, direction
    x = zeros(length(A))
    r = A*x - b
    p = -r # initial conjugate vector = negative residue at initial point

    norm_r = norm(r)
    k = 0

    # iterate until it meets the criterion given 
    while norm_r >= 1.0e-8 * sqrt(n)

        # step size
        a = (r' * r) / (p' * A * p)
        x_new = x + a * p

        r_new = r + a * A * p # new residual

        # new linear combination
        b = (r_new' * r_new) / (r' * r)

        # generate new conjugate vector
        p_new = -r_new + b * p

        # updating residue
        norm_r = norm(r_new)
    return x
# Calculate matrix and right-hand side of linear system
A, b = discretize(nx, ny)

# Your code comes here #

f = A\b

# Plot the solution