See here my previous teaching activities.

Numerical Analysis

This is the website for the course Numerical Analysis at Ecole des Ponts. Lecture notes and assignments will be posted here weekly.

Practical information

Monday and Wednesday 15:00-16:15 Paris time, Room 608.
Monday 16:30-18:00 Paris time, Room 608.
Office hours
Wednesday 16:30-17:30 Paris time in Room 608 or by email appointment.
Key dates
Midterm on Monday 23 Oct, Final exam on Monday 11 Dec.
Reference textbook
The final grade is calculated as .6 A + .4 E, where A is the average assignment grade and E is the exam grade. The latter is calculated as E = max{FE, .4 ME + .6 FE}, where ME is the midterm exam grade and FE is the final exam grade.

Lecture notes

Jupyter notebooks

Midterms and final exams



Unless otherwise specified, the due time for assignments is the Monday of the following week at 11:59PM. All the assignments carry an equal weight. Submit your work to Brighspace.

At any time during the course, you can earn bonus points for the next assignment, with a maximum of +2 out of 10, if you spot typos in the lecture notes (only in the sections explicitly listed): +0.4 for an English or formatting typo, and +1 for a mathematical error. To communicate that you found a typo, just send me an email with [TYPO] in the subject line.

Miscellaneous documents

Useful links